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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Good Friday Processions

Taken on  April 2, 2010

Lenten Procession

Notes from the Author.   A common Catholic practice in the Philippines during Good Friday or “Biyernes Santo” are the religious processions.  Catholics  join in as the different statues of Jesus Christ, Mother Mary, St. Peter and other significant characters during the time of crucifixion of Christ are paraded across town.

This year was my first time to join a procession.  It was a long and arduous walk under the summer heat,  which lasted about 2 hrs and 45 mins.   Truly it was a form of sacrifice.  And every year, Catholics would join processions as a way of showing their devotion to Christ, Mother Mary and the saints.  My relatives always join every year, and they have been walking for more than 30 years.  

Lenten Procession

1 comment:

  1. A common Catholic practice in the Philippines during Good Friday or “Biyernes Santo” are the religious processions. Catholics join in as the different statues of Jesus Christ, Mother Mary, St. Peter and other significant characters during the time of crucifixion of Christ are paraded across town.Playgroup Singapore
    Kindergarten Singapore
