Notes from the Author. When I went on a Holy Pilgrimage Tour in Jordan, Israel, and Egypt, we visited a lot of churches. Churches were built on most biblical sites, and these are just a few of them.
Visited in May 2006
Church 012. Holy Sepulchre Church. Site of the Cavalry.
Church 013. Church Of Nativity, Bethlehem. Site where Jesus’ was born. The oldest church in use. It has small entrance to prevent Persian invaders from getting inside and destroy the church.
014. Shepherds’ Field and Cave Chapel.Not a church, but it is a significant place as this is where the angels appeared to the shepherds announcing the birth of Christ.
015. Church of Golgotta. Site of the Crucifixion.
016. Church of the Beatitudes. The famous Sermon on the Mount.
017. Church in Gethsemane. Site where Jesus wept in the garden of olives.
018. Carmelite Church, Mt. Carmel.
019. Basilica of Visitation, Ein Kerem. Site where Mary visited Elizabeth who was pregnant with John the Baptist. Also the site where John was born.
020. Church of the Transfiguration, Mt. Tabor.
021. House of Caiphas, where Jesus was arrested. Was transformed into church.
022. Basilica of Annunciation, Nazareth. Site where Mary lived and where Gabriel appeared to Mary.
023. Church of the Primacy of St. Peter. This is the site where Jesus and the apostles ate when Jesus appeared to the disciples after His resurrection and where Peter re-committed to Jesus following his denial.
024. Church in Mt. Nebo, Jordan. Moses’ burial site.
025. Church in Cana. The first miracle of Jesus which is transforming water into wine happened in Cana.